Posts tagged play
Games to play with your kids when you are really (really) tired

Remember when summer weekends meant sleeping in and late leisurely brunches? Or perhaps hopping in the car for an adventure without packing a thing?!

Now we have our natural alarm clock waking us up at the first light of day with their constant refrain, “Will you play with me? “

As much as we love our kids, it’s hard not to groan at times. It’s a struggle to feel playful when you’re tired and your mind is already racing with the unending list of to-dos.

Last month I had the pleasure of being a guest on the CHCH morning show where I chatted with the incredible host, Tim Bolen and answered the question, “How can I play when I’m exhausted?”

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Bedtime Stories: Why reading is a powerful part of the bedtime routine for children

In our 7 years of parenting, reading books as part of our bedtime routine has been undeniable. From my work and conversations with friends, I know this is true for most parents. This is not the result of savvy PR; reading books has earned its place by being the perfect bedtime ritual based solely on its merits. Sure, parents are often told the importance of reading for literacy, vocabulary and instilling a love of reading, but these benefits have nothing to do with the lasting popularity and success of this bedtime tradition.

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3 Things That Sooth My Nervous System as a Parent

Many days parenting will strain your nervous system to the absolute edge. Two small children crying at the same time, dirty dishes as far as the eye can see, dinner that needs to be made and jobs with unending demands. Waiting for a proper break is just not an option. Amidst this chaos, I’ve found little moments of spaciousness when I find myself breathing deeper and feeling softer. These are 3 ways I soothe my nervous system day to day.

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I'm not enjoying this - pandemic parenting confessions

“I’m not enjoying this.”

I’ve listened to parents share variations of these feelings and I’ve nodded along in understanding, because I’ve felt like that as well. And I ached, to offer something that might be helpful beyond solidarity. Because while parenting is hard, I believe we need those moments of connection and joy.

I also believe it’s not that easy. You start the day with the best of intentions, I won’t yell, I’ll play, we will have fun! But then your toddler yells at you for cutting his pancake, you spend 15 minutes in a diaper change standoff, your preschooler tries to kick you when you turn off the tv - and just like that, your frustration boils over onto everyone around you. And it just keeps happening.

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Starting Daycare

I vividly remember my first daycare drop off with my eldest. My husband and I went together and it was a good thing because I couldn’t speak. As soon as we entered the room, the lump in my throat was the size of a baseball. I knew if I opened my mouth, the only thing to come out would be giant sobs. I wasn’t expecting that. I went into the whole thing, sort of like, “this is what we do now...I go to work, baby starts daycare”. Obviously the whole experience was much more complex and intense (qualities I’m more looking for in a bottle of wine). Now I’m about to do it again with my second and I have a much different approach.

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